Government Launches Pashu Kisan Credit Card Scheme to Boost Farmers Income | Good news for cattle rearers! Now you will get easy loan, income will increase

Government Launches Pashu Kisan Credit Card Scheme to Boost Farmers Income | Good news for cattle rearers! Now you will get easy loan, income will increase

The government is running a variety of schemes to make farmers happy and increase their income. In this episode, now the government has started β€˜Animal Farmers Credit Card Scheme’ to increase the income of farmers. Under which the farmer will be given a loan to buy cow and buffalo. Taking this scheme benefits, farmers will be able to increase their income by increasing their animal husbandry business. In the budget given by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the limit of β€˜Kisan Credit Card’ has also been increased from Rs 3 lakh…

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What Do Bank Loan Companies Look For In Re Lending Defaulter Farmers

What Do Bank Loan Companies Look For In Re Lending Defaulter Farmers

Agriculture Loan: Lakhs of farmers of the country have outstanding loans from cooperative and nationalized banks. Many times, in the event of not being able to repay the loan, the farmers are also declared as defaulters, after which the way to take loan from further gets closed. Obviously, a legal contract is made while taking a loan, but many times farmers forget to pay the loan installments due to crop failure, weather or other reasons. Many a times, banks remind the farmers to call and re-pay the loan, but after…

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