agriculture almond cultivation farming process know how much cost required

agriculture almond cultivation farming process know how much cost required

Dry fruits are very beneficial for our health. One of these is almonds, which people like to eat the most. Almonds are very beneficial for our brain and body. Due to which its demand is also very high. In such a situation, farmers can earn good profits by commercially cultivating almonds. commercial cultivation of almonds Apart from almonds, its oil is also in great demand in the market. Many medicines are made with the help of almonds, people consume almonds daily to keep themselves healthy. Due to high demand, the…

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This is how the crop flourished in the desert, name came in Forbes 30 under 30 Asia list

This is how the crop flourished in the desert, name came in Forbes 30 under 30 Asia list

Farming is a very difficult task in Rajasthan. Adequate water is required for farming. And in Rajasthan it is available in very limited quantity, hence farmers have to face a lot of trouble for farming. But now new changes have emerged in farming. The methods of farming have changed. There has been a change in the things used in them. That is why farming is no longer a difficult task in Rajasthan. Two youth of Rajasthan have together brought a revolution in the field of farming with the new technology…

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How To Improve Production Of Peanut Crop Or Scientific Farming Technique To Imporve Peanut Production

How To Improve Production Of Peanut Crop Or Scientific Farming Technique To Imporve Peanut Production

Groundnut Production: Efforts are being made to increase the production of oilseed crops in the country, so that the import of edible oils can be reduced and the country can be made self-sufficient in the production of edible oils. Mustard-rape cultivation is done on a large scale in Rabi season, but there is one crop which can be cultivated throughout the year and earn good money. We are talking about groundnut, which, if managed properly, can yield a very good production. To increase the production of oil from groundnut, there…

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PAU Received National Patent For Developing Indigenous Hydroponics Technology For Soilless Farming

PAU Received National Patent For Developing Indigenous Hydroponics Technology For Soilless Farming

Indigenous Hydroponics: Today, in the era of modernity, every work is becoming dependent on technology and machines. This not only reduces the cost, but also saves time and labor. Although many techniques in farming are proving helpful in increasing production, but soilless farming means soilless farming has brought a new revolution in the country. We are talking about hydroponic farming, which has played an important role in increasing the production of horticulture crops without the use of fertilizers and soil. Let us tell you that in hydroponic farming, fruits and…

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