these Bamboo farming tips will make you rich know business plan

these Bamboo farming tips will make you rich know business plan

Bamboo Farming Tips: Indian farmers are abandoning traditional farming and trying new crops. Due to which good profits are also being made. Earlier, farmers mostly used to cultivate only paddy, wheat, sugarcane and mustard. So now the same farmers are cultivating different things to be used in their homes. One of these is bamboo cultivation. Regarding which the interest of farmers has increased a lot. Cultivation of bamboo once only ensures lifetime profits. Let us know how to earn profit from bamboo farming. This is how to cultivate bamboo In…

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know the strawberry farming tips through which you can earn good money less cold areas

know the strawberry farming tips through which you can earn good money less cold areas

Strawberry Farming: Farmers have now started growing many other types of crops apart from traditional farming. Which also includes cultivation of different fruits. One such fruit is strawberry which is usually found in cold areas. Farmers are now earning profits worth lakhs from strawberry cultivation. Earlier it was cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Kashmir. Now it is happening not only in cold areas but also in less cold areas like states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh. Let us know how profits worth lakhs can be earned from strawberry…

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Earn money from rose farming know the complete business plan

Earn money from rose farming know the complete business plan

Rose Farming Tips: Talking about flowers, it is what people like the most. That is the rose flower. People like the fragrance of rose very much. Along with this, roses are used for many other purposes. Therefore, now the interest of farmers towards rose cultivation has also increased a lot. The government is also giving subsidy for flower cultivation. In such a situation, cultivating roses can prove to be very beneficial. Let us know how we can earn profit from rose cultivation. How to cultivate roses? Farmers get continuous profits…

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farmers can earn lacs by follow these dates farming tips

farmers can earn lacs by follow these dates farming tips

Date Farming Tips: Nowadays in India, farming is not done by following any one pattern. Now which new crops of India are also being tried? And along with this he is also trying new methods. Farmers are now cultivating a lot of fruits also. From which they are getting a lot of profit. Farming is done differently in different states of India according to the season. Date cultivation in Rajasthan has changed the lives of farmers. Apart from this, farmers in Gujarat, Kerala and Tamil Nadu are getting profits worth…

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It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

Weather plays an important role for farmers in terms of crops. Because crops depend a lot on weather and environment. The month of February is going on and it has started raining in this month. The cold level has also not reduced much. In such a situation, there is a possibility of farmers getting benefit from this rain and cold or there is a possibility of loss. Let us know in this news. How is the weather for farmers? Weather is very important for farmers. Because it has a huge…

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Agriculture: If you also do betel cultivation then the government will help, know how you will get the benefit.

Agriculture: If you also do betel cultivation then the government will help, know how you will get the benefit.

Report- Saurabh Verma Rae Bareli. Everyone is fond of paan. If you have paan after eating, the food gets digested and also becomes tasty. But do you know how betel leaf is cultivated? What facilities does the government provide for this? If not then you will get complete information in this news. With changing times, changes are also taking place in farming. Farmers have now left their traditional farming and started doing horticulture i.e. farming. The government has come up with many schemes to help them. The Horticulture Department is…

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Even In Winter Insects Exist In Crops Farmers Need To Be Careful Follow These Tips

Even In Winter Insects Exist In Crops Farmers Need To Be Careful Follow These Tips

Some farmers believe that there are no pests in their crops in winter. But it is not so that even in winter season your crop may get affected by insects. To protect the fruit from insects, you have to take care of some important things, let us know… According to experts, the problem of insect infestation in crops is common during winter. During this period the temperature is low, hence the incidence of insect attacks reduces but they do not disappear completely. Some insects can damage the crop even in…

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