Heat is increasing across the country. The temperature in some states has reached 45 degrees. With the heat the terror of mosquitoes also increases. Not only this, humans make every possible effort to get rid of mosquitoes. But today we will tell you some facts related to mosquitoes, which you might not already know. Actually mosquitoes urinate on your skin after biting. Today we will tell you what is the process when mosquitoes bite a human being. Which mosquitoes bite more? First of all, let us know which mosquitoes biteβ¦
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How much human blood does a mosquito drink at one go? What happens to that blood?
Mosquitos: Generally, as soon as the summer season arrives, mosquitoes also start knocking. There is still an infestation of mosquitoes in the corners of the house, on the roofs and even outside in the open. Not all mosquitoes are dangerous. The bite of a female Aedes aegypti mosquito causes a dangerous disease like dengue. Malaria is caused by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. Apart from these, when even normal mosquitoes bite you, it hurts. There is some swelling at the place where mosquitoes have bitten. Let us knowβ¦
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