Health tips what is the normal temperature of body when we can call it fever

Health tips what is the normal temperature of body when we can call it fever

Body temperature changes due to many reasons. Body temperature can increase in conditions like change in weather, infection, after vaccination. When this temperature is high, then it is called fever. Many types of problems occur due to fever. Many times the body temperature increases suddenly. In such a situation, is there any need to worry or is it normal, let us understand… Fever is the process of change in body temperature for some time. When the body temperature rises above normal and feels hot when touched, then such a condition…

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Health Tips Fever 5 Home Remedies Which Are Helpful

Health Tips Fever 5 Home Remedies Which Are Helpful

Fever Home Remedy: Fever is quite common. This can happen to anyone at any time. Everyone gets fever two-four times a year. However, the reason for fever is change in weather, extreme cold and heat or some disease. People often take doctor’s medicine for fever, but if you want, you can also reduce fever by adopting home remedies. Today we are going to tell you 5 such home remedies to reduce fever. 1. Basil Tulsi is considered a treasure of health. Antibacterial and antiviral properties are found in it. Tulsi…

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