Figs For Constipation Eat Anjeer To Get Rid Of Constipation Problem

Figs For Constipation: Constipation is also a serious disease, which, if not treated on time, can lead to many physical problems, including piles. Constipation is such a problem, in which your stomach is not cleaned properly or say that you get stool once in 2-3 days. These days a large number of people are struggling with the problem of constipation due to poor diet and lifestyle. But if you treat this problem early, then you can get relief from the problem of constipation. To get rid of constipation, the first…

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Fig kheer helps to control diabetes, improve digestion, easy recipe to make at home

highlights Figs are rich in fiber which improves digestion. Apart from being tasty, fig kheer is also nutritious in terms of health. Anjeer Kheer Recipe: Whenever you feel like eating sweets, fig pudding can be prepared instantly. Apart from being tasty, figs are also a nutritious fruit. Sugar patients can also eat fig kheer without worrying. The elements present in it help in controlling sugar. Along with this, consumption of figs also improves digestion. If you want to try a new sweet dish instead of rice or vermicelli kheer, then…

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