Does the pilot get any punishment after a fighter plane worth crores crashes Know rules

Does the pilot get any punishment after a fighter plane worth crores crashes Know rules

Many times fighter planes made at the cost of crores crash, You must have often seen news of fighter plane crashes on TV or in newspapers., In such a situation, has this question ever come to your mind that who gets punished for the crash of these fighter planes made at the cost of crores?, Is the pilot of that fighter plane held responsible for such an incident and does he get punished?, Let us know today, Fighter Plane Crash Of Reason There can be many reasons for fighter plane…

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America’s most dangerous fighter plane F-35 crashes in New Mexico

America’s most dangerous fighter plane F-35 crashes in New Mexico

F-35 crash: America’s most advanced F-35 fighter plane has crashed. This accident happened at Albuquerque Airport in New Mexico. The pilot of the F-35 plane has been injured in the accident. CBS News has given information quoting two officials of the US Defense Department. They said that this plane was very advanced, whose cost was said to be 832 crores. The jet that crashed in the accident was on its way to Edwards Air Force Base, 1100 kilometers from Albuquerque in Southern California. It is being told that this accident…

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Russia Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate fighter jet at World Defense Show 2024 in Saudi Arabia but India not interested

Russia Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate fighter jet at World Defense Show 2024 in Saudi Arabia but India not interested

Defense Show 2024: Russia showcased its most dangerous fighter jet Sukhoi-75 Checkmate at the World Defense Show 2024 held in Saudi Arabia. Apart from this, Russia also introduced the world to IL-76 cargo aircraft and MiG-35 fighter jet. During this time, while Russia is trying to woo the Gulf countries for Sukhoi-75, India is keeping distance from this fifth generation fighter aircraft. According to a report, after the Ukraine war, Russia is continuously adding new weapons to its arsenal. However, Russia is now finding it difficult to sell its weapons,…

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