Know the benefits of soaked dried fruits in the summer read full article in Hindi

Dry Fruits In Summer: It is advisable to eat dry fruits like cashews and almonds in winters so that the body remains warm in winters. But is it healthy to eat these in summers? But some people feel that eating dry fruits in summers can make the stomach hot. However, health experts and dieticians recommend eating dry fruits according to the season. Let us know which dry fruits should be eaten in summers? Dried fruits are rich in nutrients Rich in fat, protein, magnesium, iron, vitamin B and fiber, these…

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Figs contain many nutrients but can we eat them in summer know the details

Anjeer In Summer Season: An important part of any person’s life is his diet. To stay healthy, it is very important to have a balanced diet. Such things should be used in food which contain nutrients. People’s diet keeps changing according to winter and summer. Now that summer has arrived, people are confused. Something should be eaten or left out. Like there are many nutrients inside figs. People eat it a lot in winter. But should we eat it in summer or not? Let us know. Figs contain nutrients Figs…

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Dry Fruits Side Effects eating dry fruits daily is good or not for health know more

Everyone wants to have good health, for this people go to the gym and eat fruits. But there are very few people who can keep themselves feet. If you also want to stay fit, then this news is for you. Actually, many juices, powders, medicines are available in the market, by consuming which you can stay fit. But sometimes excessive consumption becomes harmful. Now you can easily take care of your health by staying at home. Dry fruits are rich in nutrients, their consumption is very beneficial for the body.…

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Figs For Constipation Eat Anjeer To Get Rid Of Constipation Problem

Figs For Constipation: Constipation is also a serious disease, which, if not treated on time, can lead to many physical problems, including piles. Constipation is such a problem, in which your stomach is not cleaned properly or say that you get stool once in 2-3 days. These days a large number of people are struggling with the problem of constipation due to poor diet and lifestyle. But if you treat this problem early, then you can get relief from the problem of constipation. To get rid of constipation, the first…

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If you eat these 5 things soaked in water, then these diseases will not happen…try it once

Benefits Of Soaking Food Items:  You must have seen the elders of your house that they eat many food items after soaking. But have you ever tried to know that after soaking What happens if you eat anything? Actually, there are some such things like almonds, raisins, gram, which are soaked and eaten, their nutrients increase and this gives a lot of health benefits. Let us know about some such foods, which are more beneficial to eat after soaking. . Soaking and eating these things gives benefits Fenugreek seeds- Keeping…

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