A person was caught as soon as he got off the plane, such a thing was found in his lunchbox, he was fined Rs 5 lakh and sent back

A person was caught as soon as he got off the plane, such a thing was found in his lunchbox, he was fined Rs 5 lakh and sent back

Travelling by plane is considered convenient. But there are many rules and regulations about which if you are not aware, you can get into trouble. This is what happened with a person. This person from Indonesia was going from Hong Kong to Taiwan. He kept such a thing in his lunchbox that he was caught as soon as he landed at the airport. As soon as the officials saw it, they immediately imposed a fine of Rs 5 lakh on him. According to the report of South China Morning Post,…

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A person went abroad for holidays, kept such small things in his bag, fined Rs 7 lakh

A person went abroad for holidays, kept such small things in his bag, fined Rs 7 lakh

If you go anywhere for holidays, then you must know the rules and regulations of that place. Read about them well. It may happen that a small mistake done unknowingly becomes so costly that you keep beating your head. Because this is what happened with a person. He went abroad to travel, but got into big trouble due to a small negligence and now a fine of Rs 7 lakh has been imposed on him. He cannot come back until he pays the entire fine. According to BBC report, Tyler…

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A woman went for a walk on the beach, children picked up such a thing thinking it to be a shell, she was fined Rs 73 lakh

A woman went for a walk on the beach, children picked up such a thing thinking it to be a shell, she was fined Rs 73 lakh

If you go anywhere for a trip, then you must know about the rules and regulations of that place. Otherwise, you may have to pay a heavy price for a small mistake. As happened with this woman. She had gone to the beach with her children. But while playing, the children mistook the things lying there for shells and picked them up, which resulted in the woman’s doom. The administration imposed a fine of 88,000 dollars i.e. about 73 lakh rupees. According to the New York Post report, the incident…

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