If you are also fond of kebab then come to Firozabad, these Shahi kebabs are famous till Mumbai – News18 Hindi

If you are also fond of kebab then come to Firozabad, these Shahi kebabs are famous till Mumbai – News18 Hindi

Dheer Rajput/Firozabad: Actually, people like Lucknow the most for chicken. But there is a shop in Firozabad, UP too, where people not only from UP but even Mumbai come to eat Shahi Kebab. As the evening approaches, people start gathering at the kebab shop. These Shahi Kebabs are prepared by heating them in a furnace with very pure oil. Lukman, who runs the famous Shahi Kebab Corner shop near Shabbar Ki Haveli at Jatavpuri intersection in Firozabad, told Local 18 that he has been making and selling kebabs for the…

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