Health Tips: If you want to stay slim-trim and fit, then follow these tips, you will see tremendous change in 1 month

Jaipur. If there is one thing that is being ignored the most in this fast paced life, it is health. In today’s time, everyone wants to stay fit, but very few people are able to take care of their body. Many people think that only thin people can stay fit. In this illusion, they reduce their food intake so much that in a few days they become loose, lethargic and weak. This is completely wrong from the point of view of health. Many people remain fit even after being fat,…

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fitness tips half of population unfit in india women are more physically inactive than men

Fitness Report : Half of India’s population is completely unfit. Yes, a recent study report has revealed a very shocking thing. It has been told that more women are inactive than men. According to new data published in Lancet Global Health, more than half of the adult population in India is not able to follow the WHO’s physical activities guidelines. 42% men and 57% women are physically inactive. This report states that if this continues, then by 2030 this number can reach 60%. What is the WHO guidelineWHO has advised…

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fitness tips slow running benefits for health in hindi

Slow Running Benefits : Running is one of the best exercises to stay fit and healthy. Many people go out for running early in the morning. Some people run fast and some run slowly. In such a situation, the question arises which of the two is better. Experts believe that slow running is also very beneficial. Slow running improves the health of both heart and brain. This can provide relief from obesity. Let’s know the benefits of slow running… Why running slowly is beneficialAccording to health experts, running slowly is…

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fitness tips walking barefoot on hard surface health side effects

Side Effects of Walking Barefoot : Walking barefoot at home is quite common. Since childhood, we have been told that walking barefoot has many health benefits. Science also considers it beneficial for the body. Walking barefoot increases antioxidants in the body and can reduce inflammation. Not only this, it also improves sleep. Walking barefoot in the grass field early in the morning is considered extremely beneficial. However, walking barefoot at home can have many disadvantages. If you are also making such a mistake, then stop it from today itself, otherwise…

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fitness tips difference between weight loss and fat loss in hindi

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss : Nowadays everyone wants to stay fit. Most people go to the gym and workout. Some people try to maintain their body by exercising at home and following a proper diet. Whenever it comes to fitness, two things are discussed the most. First is weight loss and second is proper diet. Through which fat loss is done. There is a lot of talk about muscle loss in this regard. Many people do not know the difference between fat loss and muscle loss. If you too…

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fitness tips hard workout cause of heart attack in youth know reasons

Exercise Causes Heart Attack : Is the passion of staying fit making you a heart patient? Are you creating depression in your mind by thinking about fitness? This question is because nowadays many youngsters are getting heart attacks in this affair. In the recent past, many such high profile cases have been seen in which people died due to heart attack while working out in the gym. In such a situation, questions arise whether working out beyond capacity in the zeal of youth is an invitation to heart attack or…

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fitness tips how many calories burn in 30 minutes running

Fitness Tips : When there are more calories in the body, its expenditure decreases. This leads to the extra calories getting stored as fat. This will lead to obesity, which can cause many diseases. This is the reason why there is a need to expend calories every day. Some calories are burnt in every work. Running is also one of the best ways to burn calories. In such a situation, let us know how many calories can be burnt by running for half an hour. How many calories should you…

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fitness tips daily routine chart for health know how long should sleep sit stand study

Daily Routine Chart : Our lifestyle has a direct impact on our health. To stay healthy and fit, it is important to have a better daily routine, but do you know what the best routine should be like? How many hours of sitting, standing, walking and sleeping every day can be beneficial for the body? If not, then information about this has been given in a new study (Health Study). While answering this question, scientists told what should be done and for how long in 24 hours of the day,…

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After all, what is Shrimp Squat Challenge, how does it determine fitness and for how long is it beneficial to do it?

Shrimp Squat Challenge: Nowadays people are becoming aware about fitness. To keep themselves fit, they are doing exercise, yoga and sweating for hours in the gym. Many times challenges regarding fitness are also seen on social media. These days also a similar fitness challenge is in trend. Whose name is Shrimp Squat Challenge. Why is this fitness challenge going viral? This is becoming increasingly viral on social media. This squat is considered to be extremely beneficial for health. It is being claimed that doing this gives physical strength and makes…

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To stay fit, do mini walk daily, know its benefits and right timing.

Mini Walk Benefits: Walking every day is the best way to stay healthy. It is considered a very good exercise to stay fit. However, nowadays the routine and schedule has become such that people do not even have time for a walk. Such people can keep themselves fit by taking mini walks. You can get benefits by walking for 2 minutes to 5-10 minutes every day. Mini walk not only reduces weight quickly but also improves heart health. This also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like diabetes and cholesterol.…

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