As soon as you sit in the toilet in the morning, your stomach will be completely clean within minutes, just mix this 1 nutritious thing while kneading the dough, the intestines will remain healthy.

As soon as you sit in the toilet in the morning, your stomach will be completely clean within minutes, just mix this 1 nutritious thing while kneading the dough, the intestines will remain healthy.

How to mix flaxseed powder in dough: You must be eating bread every day. Wheat flour bread is most eaten. Some people eat multi-grain flour bread in winter. Some like to eat roti made of millet and maize. Consuming rotis made from these grains not only provides warmth to the body in winter, but also keeps you healthy by providing many types of nutrients. Many people suffer from constipation for several days continuously. Many people are troubled by stomach ache, bloating, indigestion, bloating etc. You should know one thing that…

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