Flight Row Number: Why there is no row number 13 in some airplanes, flight attendant told the truth

Today, most of the people prefer to travel by flight to save time. But do you know that in the flights of some countries there is no row of seat number 13. Today we will tell you the truth behind this.  Seat number 13 Why is there no seat number 13 in some airline flights? An American flight attendant has replied regarding this. Flight attendant Henny Lim said that if you board the plane and see that the 13th row of seats is missing. So what would you think? Is…

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How much time do pilots need to rest, know what will be the benefit of increasing the time

  Made some improvements related to ‘rest period’. After which the pilots will get extra time to rest. But today we will tell you how much time the aircraft crew and pilot need for rest.   How many hours of rest will be given Under the new rules, pilots and crew will get 48 hours of rest every week. In the first week, we got only 36 hours of rest. Now the flight crew will get more time to rest. Whereas in the existing rules, the time from midnight to…

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Never travel in flight wearing shorts, the flight attendant told the reason, said – necessary for your health

Most people prefer flight travel for time saving and comfortable travel. Wearing shorts during this time may seem like a comfortable option. But a flight attendant has alerted about it. According to him, one should never travel in a plane wearing shorts. This is very important for your health, yet we make these mistakes. According to Mirror’s report, Tommy Simato, a flight attendant from Arizona, USA, has shared a video on Tiktok, in which he told what things should be kept in mind while traveling by flight. Simato said, of…

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Women came wearing short clothes, the personnel stopped them from boarding the plane, the airline replied

Just think, a person should not be allowed to board the plane just because his clothes were not right according to the employees of the airlines. Something similar happened with a female employee. In a post on Twitter, she claimed that American Airlines staff forced her and her friend to change their clothes at the airport. It was clearly said that you cannot travel in the plane in these clothes. When there was an uproar after the post was shared, the airline also responded. Twitter user Chrissie Mayr said in…

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