Do you know why people always board airplanes from the right side? Expert told the true reason

During the summer vacation season, many people travel by airplane for long distance travel. For many people this is their first journey while for some people air travel is a frequently undertaken journey. Planes have evolved over the years, but how we board them has never changed. People do not pay attention to this. That passengers always board the plane from the left side only. An interesting reason for this has been given by Michael Oakley, managing editor of The Aviation Historian. Business aircraft were initially designed with passenger doors…

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A man was taking pictures of children while boarding the plane, the flight attendant called him an idiot and threw him out

Nowadays, every parent who owns a smart phone is an amateur photographer. It is no longer difficult for anyone to capture all the unique moments of children on camera and when the opportunity arises to travel by air, then taking photos is not an unusual thing. So when Jimmy Mitchell decided to board a Jetstar flight, When he took out his phone on the road to take a picture of his wife and two children while climbing the stairs, he would not have imagined that he was going to be…

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