Enjoy crispy pakoras in the rainy days, you will get good health along with taste, note down the recipe

Pakoda Recipes: The rainy season has arrived. It is impossible to have the rainy season without talking about pakoras. Pakoras are a type of Indian snack that is usually made by mixing wheat flour, rice flour, gram flour, and various other unique ingredients. It is mixed with various delicious spices and vegetables and then fried in hot oil. Pakoras are often served with tea and are a popular snack that is liked in every Indian kitchen. It can be made in various forms, such as Aloo Pakora, Onion Pakora, Mirchi…

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Beetroot raita is beneficial in summers, it gets prepared in no time

Beetroot Raita recipe: In the summer season, one has to take great care of food. Many people have been hearing since childhood that “eat beetroot, blood will increase”. Yes, this is not wrong at all. Let us tell you, beetroot is a very good source of iron, which helps in increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. But do you know that beetroot not only increases blood, but also gives many benefits for health. Antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals are found in abundance in beetroot. It helps in keeping…

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health tips which foods that increase bad cholesterol know the risk

High Cholesterol : Due to deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, many dangers have arisen for health nowadays. One of these is high cholesterol. When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, it not only increases the risk of dangerous diseases, but can also be life threatening. Actually, bad cholesterol accumulates in blood veins and arteries and makes them narrow. This can cause a heart attack, which can also be fatal. According to experts, there are some things that can increase cholesterol tremendously. In such a situation, one should stay…

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This burger will make your mouth water, it is the king of the world of taste, take note of it

Mathura. Mathura in UP is known for its temples as well as food. Here you will find something different to eat at some or the other shop. There is a shop located at Holigate which is leaving KFC behind in terms of burgers. The cheese burger of this shop is liked a lot by the people here. The special thing is that here the burger is not fried in oil but grilled. You will find a treasure of food at Holigate, which is called the heart of the city. Thousands…

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These 2 Indian restaurants located in Mumbai Masque and New Delhi Indian Accent are in the World 100 Best Restaurants list

Along with travelling, everyone wants to taste every flavour of the world, but this is impossible. But we are going to introduce you to two restaurants included in the world’s top 100 restaurants, whose food you must eat at least once in your life. Let us introduce you to these restaurants. Also, let us tell you where these are and how much they will suit you according to your budget? These are the top 2 restaurants in India No matter where a person lives in the world, he wants to…

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Fatty food items can increase anxiety, research reveals a shocking fact, stay away from them today

Causes of Anxiety: It is often seen that people who suffer from depression or anxiety, whenever they get worried, they start eating extra. In which they first eat chocolate, cake or donut, which gives them instant energy and boosts their mood. Apart from this, some people consume unhealthy food items like junk food. But recent research has revealed that consuming fatty food items can actually increase our anxiety. Let us tell you about this research and tell you how this fatty food can affect you. what does research say Recently,…

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health tips eating habits know benefits of chewing food

Eating Habits : Eating food quickly is considered the work of the devil. Elders advise to eat food slowly and chew it well. It is said in the household that food should be chewed at least 32 times. This has many health benefits. This rule has been in practice since ancient times. Many experts also believe that chewing food 32 times helps in proper digestion. However, no scientific research has been done on this till now. But it is true that by chewing food (32 Bar Formula in Eating), it…

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Potato-less samosas are a hit, their taste is so amazing that there is a huge crowd of customers

Baliya: You must have enjoyed the taste of all the samosas made from small and big potatoes. But today we will talk about that samosa which has become the center of attraction for the customers. Actually this samosa is prepared without potatoes. You must be thinking that samosa and that too without potatoes.. how can this be possible. But this samosa has created a stir. Everyone is crazy about its great taste. Even sugar patients enjoy this taste sir! Let’s know what is its specialty… Shopkeeper Nand Lal Gupta said…

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This is what diet should be like in summer, keep these things in mind, otherwise you will start looking sick from your face

Best Foods For Summer: At this time, there is an outbreak of severe heat across the country. In such heat, people fall prey to many problems like heat stroke, dehydration. In such a situation, your diet becomes very important. What you eat and what you do not eat is very important. Because it becomes necessary to eat according to the environment. When there is severe heat in many states of the country, it is very important to change the diet according to the weather. If the diet is not changed…

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tasty spicy food in summer at home then follow these recipe

In the summer season, people change their eating habits, in such a situation sometimes they feel like eating spicy food. But there are some people who are always confused about what to make that tastes delicious in summer and does not harm the body. If you are also always worried about this, then this news is for you. Now you do not need to worry, because today we will tell you about a dish that you can prepare and eat spicy food in the summer days. Let’s know about that…

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