Having something sweet to eat after a meal is nothing unusual in most families unless

Having something sweet to eat after a meal is nothing unusual in most families unless

WHO had released a report a few days ago in which it was said that sugar or salt contain microplastics. We should not eat it in excess because it is harmful for our health. But recently a report has been published about Indians. In which it has been told that Indians eat a lot of sugar. And their addiction to eating sweets is increasing day by day. There has been no reduction in it. One in two Indians living in cities eats sweets with pressure Recently a survey has been…

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History behind origin of fruits Babur brought Grapes Apple Muskmelon to India Fruits fact

History behind origin of fruits Babur brought Grapes Apple Muskmelon to India Fruits fact

Food Facts: It is said that civilization is a common heritage. Traveling is an attribute of civilization and culture. There are many food items that the world has received from India and India has also received from the world. Humans themselves originated from Africa about 70,000 years ago, when they were called primitive humans. They used to light fire with stones, do jhum cultivation and eat tuberous fruits. Since the mention of fruits has already started, let’s take a look at the history of fruits, which fruit came from where…

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Know Bathing Right After Meal Is Good Or Bad For Health Check Here All Details

Know Bathing Right After Meal Is Good Or Bad For Health Check Here All Details

Many types of things are said in the house about health and food and drink. As it is said that water should not be drunk after drinking tea. Many people say that salty should not be eaten with milk. One such thing is also said that one should never take bath immediately after eating food. Now the question in this is that what is the connection of taking bath with eating and why it is said that one should not take bath immediately after eating food. So today we will…

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