⁠Include beetroot-chickpea chaat in your diet, it is best for building figure and glowing skin, know the recipe here

⁠Include beetroot-chickpea chaat in your diet, it is best for building figure and glowing skin, know the recipe here

Beetroot Chhole Recipe: Everyone wants to keep themselves fit. For this the most important thing is food and drink. You have to pay a lot of attention to what you are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner and at what time. If you want a good figure and glowing skin, then you have to choose the food accordingly. If you include protein and vitamins in your diet, there will be a visible difference in your health. Let us tell you today about a healthy dish in the morning… Today we…

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Weight Loss Five Moves To Improve Your Posture That Can Also Help You Burn Calories

Weight Loss Five Moves To Improve Your Posture That Can Also Help You Burn Calories

Weight Loss: Sitting in the same position in front of the laptop all day can cause many changes in your body. Rounded shoulders, sunken chest and stooped neck, all these are the visible symptoms of sitting in the wrong way or sitting in the same position continuously, which are clearly visible when standing in front of the mirror. Poor sitting habits not only affect your body but can also make you more vulnerable to back pain, fractures and muscle fatigue. A good posture is important for maintaining balance throughout the…

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