You may not know these interesting facts related to Amazon forest, the forest is spread to these countries

The Amazon forest is the world’s largest rainforest. Let us tell you that 20% of the world’s oxygen comes from here. Do you know which countries the Amazon forest is spread to? Today we will tell you how much area the Amazon forest is spread over and what is the most special thing about this forest.  Amazon forest Let us tell you that the Amazon forest is also called the lungs of the earth. Because 20 percent of the world’s oxygen is obtained from here. Not only this, this forest…

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These are the 5 largest rain forests in the world, see the list

World Rainforest Day is celebrated today on 22 June. This day promotes awareness about the importance of rainforests around the world. We all know how important it is to have trees and plants for life on earth. If clean water, air and oxygen are reaching humans on earth today, then it is possible only because of dense forests. Today we will tell you which are the 5 largest rainforests in the world.  World Rainforest Day All living beings, including humans and animals, need oxygen to live on earth. Today, oxygen…

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World Rainforest Day: Why is World Rainforest Day celebrated, know how important these forests are for the earth

This year, most countries around the world are suffering from severe heat. Temperatures are rising even in countries and states that were considered cold places. The biggest reason for this is deforestation globally. Today, on 22 June, World Rainforest Day is celebrated. This day promotes awareness about the importance of rainforests around the world. If clean water, air and oxygen are reaching humans on earth today, it is possible only because of dense forests. But due to their continuous lack, the world is struggling with global warming today. According to…

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In the jungle, it is the lionesses who hunt, then what does the lion do?

Lions are known to hunt in the wild, But you will be surprised to know that in any forest, animals are most afraid of lionesses , Because the real hunters are considered to be lionesses. The question then arises that what would the lions be doing during this time? Let’s find out. Lionesses are much faster than lions First of all the question arises that what is the difference between a lion and a lioness and who is the fastest among the two . So lions can be about ten…

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This special bird is seen only during summers, it hunts while flying in the air

There is severe heat across the country. Due to the heat, the condition of animals along with humans is very bad. Many times birds also die due to heat. But do you know that there is a bird which returns to its home only during this summer. Today we will tell you why these birds return to their nests only during summer.  Shah Bulbul  Let us tell you that the Indian Paradise Flycatcher is known as Sultan Bulbul or Shahi Bulbul in Hindi. It is a beautiful and attractive bird…

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Lemurs: This animal has two tongues, one is used for eating and the other for showing

There are millions of species of animals found in the world. Every animal has its own specialty for which it is known. But today we are going to tell you about an animal which has two tongues. Know where this animal is found and how it uses these two tongues. Animal with two tongues Let us tell you that a small animal is found in African countries. It looks like a monkey. But the name of this animal is lemur. It can also be seen in Indian zoos. It is…

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This is the most scary forest in the world, many sounds come at night, even the government does not give permission to go there

There are many places in the world where it is better to go,Good people tremble, These places have their own secrets, We are going to tell you about one of these forests., Even the government forbids us from going into this jungle, In fact it is said that whoever goes to this forest never comes back, It is said that people mysteriously disappear in this forest, Whoever went here never came back These forests Romania It is located in the Transylvania province, Cluj County, United States, these Cluj,Napoca is located…

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This African bird has the longest beak its body is also equal to that of humans

There are millions of species of animals present around the world. All animals have their own characteristics. Today we are going to tell you about a bird whose beak is more than one foot long and its body size is equal to that of humans. Not only this, this bird even hunts crocodile babies. Today we will tell you where this bird is found. african bird Let us tell you that this unique bird is found in Africa. The name of this bird is Shoebill and is found especially in…

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Kangaroo Rat: This animal never drinks water in its life, know how it remains alive

There are millions of species of animals present in the world. All animals are known for their different characteristics. But water is most important for everyone on this earth, from humans to animals. But today we are going to tell you about an animal which survives without water. Know how this animal is able to survive without water.  Which animal You will be surprised to know but there is a species of rats, Who lives without drinking water. Its name is Kangaroo Rat. Let us tell you that this species…

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