snake How to know the age of as species of snake expert told the method

Scientists continue to do research on snakes. Recently, scientists have created artificial anti-venom injection to protect against snake venom. But apart from all these things, do you know what is the maximum age of a snake? How can the age of a snake be known? Today we will tell you how the age of a snake can be determined. age of snake Expert Mahadev Patel told the media that he has been working on rescuing snakes and releasing them in their natural habitat for the last 8 years. Till now…

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snakes and cobras cling to sandalwood trees Expert told the truth behind this

You must have heard from the village and elders that snakes and cobras remain wrapped around sandalwood trees. Actually all those people believed that snake needs coolness and it is found on sandalwood tree. But today we will tell you what is the truth behind it. sandalwood tree Do snakes and cobras really live on sandalwood trees? Regarding this, a media organization has talked to Professor Vijay Malik, Head of the Department of Botany running in the Chaudhary Charan Singh University campus. Vijay Malik is known as an expert on…

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Crocodile Babies Gender Change: Does the gender of crocodile babies change due to temperature, know the science behind it

 There are millions of species of animals present in the world. All these animals also have their own distinct characteristics. But today we are going to tell you about an animal whose gender of its children changes with changing temperature. Yes you read it right. Gender changes due to temperature. Know how this is possible Crocodile According to the information, with the change in temperature, the gender of crocodile babies also changes. According to scientists, not only crocodiles but also the babies of fish and turtles change their gender due…

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lion and lioness Who is more dangerous They do not even give the prey a chance to recover

Since childhood, we have read in books that the lion is the king of the jungle. But do you know who is more dangerous between a lion and a lioness? Today we will tell you who is the most dangerous among them and how they hunt. difference between lion and lioness First let us know what is the difference between a lion and a lioness. Like lions are bigger than lionesses. Lions can be about ten feet tall from nose to tail, while lionesses are only about nine feet tall.…

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this many forests are left in India if you see the figure you will be surprised

International Day of Forests: Nature is man’s greatest friend. But humans do not care that much about nature. Man is fearlessly using nature for his comfort. Where earlier there were forests. Where there was greenery all around. Now the greenery there seems to be shrinking. And the biggest reason for this is humans. Humans cut down trees and dig up land for their own use. Along with this, the environment of the forests has become such that today the forests in India are continuously decreasing in the last few years.…

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How does a cheetah run faster than other animals? Scientists told the reason behind it.

Whenever a question is asked about the fastest running animal in the world, the name of Tiger i.e. Cheetah is taken first. The thing runs so fast, hardly any animal will be able to compete with it. But have you ever wondered how a cheetah is able to run so fast? Why can’t the lion, the king of the jungle, run fast? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.  What is the reason? A study published in Nature Communications Journal has revealed that the animals They are of…

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When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

Today every person keeps his valuables safe in the locker room of the bank. But have you ever wondered where people kept their valuables safe when there were no banks? Because even at that time there were robbers and dacoits. Today we will tell you where earlier people used to keep their belongings safe. Due to which robbers and dacoits could not be seen. Lockers were found in the homes of all those who had money at that time. There used to be a safe. Those people used to keep…

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Why is snake venom not affected by mongoose? What do scientists say?

Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. If you have ever lived in a rural environment, you would know the fight between snake and mongoose very well. Because mongoose and snake are considered big enemies of each other. But have you ever wondered that when snake venom is so dangerous, why does it not affect mongoose? Today we will tell you why snake poison does not affect mongoose.  Poison does not affect mongoose? For information According to this, snakes eat mongoose babies. But the snake…

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Scientists have found a 390 million year old forest which is considered to be the biggest forest discovery ever

World’s Oldest Forest: Every day various kinds of discoveries are made in the world. So much still remains. Which man has to find. There are so many places like this in the world. Where no one would have noticed till now. You often see such surprising things and places. Scientists have discovered one such place. Which is being called treasure. Actually, the place which has been discovered by scientists is said to be of Devonian period. A lot of information is going to come out from this discovery of scientists.…

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elephant itself performs the last rites of its children it does this work after their death

Like humans, animals also perform the last rites of their loved ones when they die. Today we are going to tell you about the elephant, which performs the last rites of its beloved companion or child when it dies. Yes, it may sound a bit strange, but elephants also perform the last rites of their children and mates. Not only this, elephants also cry at the funeral. Know how elephants perform the last rites of their child. elephants cry Like humans, elephants also cry at the funeral of their child.…

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