How does a cheetah run faster than other animals? Scientists told the reason behind it.

How does a cheetah run faster than other animals? Scientists told the reason behind it.

Whenever a question is asked about the fastest running animal in the world, the name of Tiger i.e. Cheetah is taken first. The thing runs so fast, hardly any animal will be able to compete with it. But have you ever wondered how a cheetah is able to run so fast? Why can’t the lion, the king of the jungle, run fast? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.  What is the reason? A study published in Nature Communications Journal has revealed that the animals They are of…

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When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

Today every person keeps his valuables safe in the locker room of the bank. But have you ever wondered where people kept their valuables safe when there were no banks? Because even at that time there were robbers and dacoits. Today we will tell you where earlier people used to keep their belongings safe. Due to which robbers and dacoits could not be seen. Lockers were found in the homes of all those who had money at that time. There used to be a safe. Those people used to keep…

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Why is snake venom not affected by mongoose? What do scientists say?

Why is snake venom not affected by mongoose? What do scientists say?

Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. If you have ever lived in a rural environment, you would know the fight between snake and mongoose very well. Because mongoose and snake are considered big enemies of each other. But have you ever wondered that when snake venom is so dangerous, why does it not affect mongoose? Today we will tell you why snake poison does not affect mongoose.  Poison does not affect mongoose? For information According to this, snakes eat mongoose babies. But the snake…

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Scientists have found a 390 million year old forest which is considered to be the biggest forest discovery ever

Scientists have found a 390 million year old forest which is considered to be the biggest forest discovery ever

World’s Oldest Forest: Every day various kinds of discoveries are made in the world. So much still remains. Which man has to find. There are so many places like this in the world. Where no one would have noticed till now. You often see such surprising things and places. Scientists have discovered one such place. Which is being called treasure. Actually, the place which has been discovered by scientists is said to be of Devonian period. A lot of information is going to come out from this discovery of scientists.…

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elephant itself performs the last rites of its children it does this work after their death

elephant itself performs the last rites of its children it does this work after their death

Like humans, animals also perform the last rites of their loved ones when they die. Today we are going to tell you about the elephant, which performs the last rites of its beloved companion or child when it dies. Yes, it may sound a bit strange, but elephants also perform the last rites of their children and mates. Not only this, elephants also cry at the funeral. Know how elephants perform the last rites of their child. elephants cry Like humans, elephants also cry at the funeral of their child.…

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The world’s largest snake, its mouth is equal to a human head

The world’s largest snake, its mouth is equal to a human head

    Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. But today we are not going to tell you about snake poison. Rather, today we are going to tell you about the world’s biggest snake. Actually, recently a TV anchor came across a snake whose species is new. Not only this, it is being claimed that this is the largest snake in the world. Today we are going to tell you about this snake. Where was this snake found According to Daily Mail, it was found…

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Why is this bird called killer queen, it attacks its prey in the blink of an eye

Why is this bird called killer queen, it attacks its prey in the blink of an eye

  Different species of animals and birds are found in the world. All these animals are also known for some of their specialties. Today we are going to tell you about a bird which is called Killer Queen. Because it kills its prey in the blink of an eye.  Real name of the bird The name of this bird is Secretary Bird. These are basically found in the grasslands of Africa. Due to its fast hunting ability, it is also called killer queen. This long legged bird attacks very powerfully…

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What will happen if one snake bites another snake? The answer is very interesting.

What will happen if one snake bites another snake? The answer is very interesting.

  Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. Some snakes are so poisonous that if they bite a human being, that person dies. But have you ever wondered what would happen if one snake bites another snake? Will that snake die or not? Today we will give you the answer to this question.  Whether snake venom will spread to each other or not After one snake bites another On the question Researchgate site says that the answer is both yes and no. In fact, if…

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After all, why is the pigeon called a spy bird? The reason behind this is very interesting.

After all, why is the pigeon called a spy bird? The reason behind this is very interesting.

Pigeon is counted among an intelligent bird. This is the reason why the pigeon is also called a spy bird. Evidence of this can be seen from the times of Mughals and kings. Recently, Mumbai Police has also released a suspected Chinese spy pigeon after eight months of custody. Actually, Kabutar was arrested near Mumbai port in May 2023, where two rings were tied on his feet. This is not the first time, pigeons have been used for years for spying and delivering messages. But today we will tell you…

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Why do wolves walk in packs, this is why even lions are afraid of hunting

Why do wolves walk in packs, this is why even lions are afraid of hunting

  Since childhood, we have read in books that the lion is the king of the jungle. But do you know that even the lion is afraid of hunting the wolf. Actually, according to biologists, wolves move in packs and if any animal attacks any member of the pack, then all the wolves are ready to fight and die together. Because of this, even animals like lions are afraid of coming near wolves. Today we will tell you why wolves always walk in packs and why they howl at night. …

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