Frost Effect Crops Are Getting Ruined Due To Extreme Frost In India

Frost Effect Crops Are Getting Ruined Due To Extreme Frost In India

Frost Effect On Crop: It is getting bone-chilling cold in the country. Frost is still in minus in many states. Numbness is increasing in hands and feet. Due to extreme cold, people are hiding in quilts. At the same time, the effect of extreme cold is clearly visible on the crops. Blight disease is troubling the crops. Till now only in Rajasthan the news of accumulation of snow on the crops was coming to the fore. But now bad condition has started happening in other states also. The crops standing…

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Potato Production May Suffer From High Frost

Potato Production May Suffer From High Frost

Frost Effect On Potato: The temperature is dropping down fast. It is getting cold in many states. Due to frostbite, the swelling in the hands and feet has increased. Farmers are sowing Rabi season crops in the fields. At the same time, due to frost, a crisis has arisen on the production of many crops. Agriculture experts and farmers are worried that till now they have not recovered from the damage caused to Kharif crops that frost may damage Rabi crops. Farmers are afraid of affecting potato production. Experts say…

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