returning from space passengers are not given normal food, know what food they get

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like what do astronauts eat, how do they live in space? But have you ever wondered how travelers would live a normal life after coming back from space? What food will you eat immediately after coming back? Today we will tell you what astronauts eat immediately after reaching Earth. I don’t get everything for a few days Let us tell you that after coming back from space, passengers have to follow a strict diet for a few days. So that their body…

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Diabetes and Food: Diabetic patients should include these things in their diet, sugar level will remain under control.

Sugar, Diabetes, Diabetes is a disease which has made millions of people its victims all over the world. One thing that is often said about this disease is that once someone gets this disease, it is difficult to cure it completely. But doctors or health experts say that by making some special changes in the diet, you can keep it under control. For your information, let us tell you that if the sugar level in the blood is increased, then today we will tell you the names of some special…

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Eating fruits immediately after eating can be dangerous, it can cause serious stomach problems.

To stay healthy and fit, it is very important to take special care of diet. Fruits are very important in a perfect diet. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is not good to eat fruits immediately after eating. Especially one should not eat sour fruits after eating, it can be very harmful for the body. Therefore, one should not eat lemons, oranges, Malta, grapes and tangerines after meals.  Eating fruits after meals can become a problem  Problems in stomach and digestion If you eat fruits after meals, there…

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Pinda Dates Are Very Beneficial For Health In Winter If Eaten Like This It Will Give Double Strength Winter Fruits

To keep the body healthy and warm during winter, we include many types of fruits, milk and dry fruits in our diet. Especially in winter, we want to provide such nutritious food to children and elderly, so that they can protect themselves from cold. Today we will tell you what are the benefits of including dates in your diet. Dates are such a fruit that it can single-handedly supply the nutrients found in many fruits and dry fruits to the body. Many benefits of eating dates in winter With the…

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Why Unripe Fruits Are Green Know How The Color Of The Fruit Changes

Fruit Color Fact: You must have seen that most of the raw fruits are green in colour. However, as the fruit starts ripening, its color starts changing. When the fruit is fully ripe, it automatically breaks down and falls down. Now the question is why is it so? Why is the color of raw fruit green and why does it change color when ripe? The answer to these questions is in this article. green fruit is growing Actually, when the fruit is unripe, its chloroplasts are in its upper layer.…

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Fruit Juice Vs Fruit Which Is Better For You Clear Your Confusion Today

Fruit juice vs Fruit: To keep the body active and fit, everyone includes fruits in their daily routine. But many times this question comes that eating fruits is more beneficial or drinking fruit juice is beneficial. Which of the two should you choose? Fruits are delicious, refreshing and rich in vitamins, antioxidants. You can eat them directly or drink the juice after extracting it. Fruits can also be mixed and drunk. Be it a fruit chaat with lemon juice or a glass of mixed fruit juice with some rock salt,…

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Tree Of 40 Forty Types Of Fruits Grow On This Tree

Tree of 40: Along with balancing the environment in nature, trees and plants also provide us with food and other essential things. We get vegetables, flowers, fruits, wood etc. from them. There are different types of trees and plants for each type of vegetable, flower and fruit etc. It is the rule of nature that only one type of fruit grows on a single tree. But you will be surprised to know that this law of nature has been broken at one place in the world. Yes, there are 40…

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