In Place Of Burning Or Burying Dead Body One Can Use These Six Process To Complete Last Rites Of Dead Body

In Place Of Burning Or Burying Dead Body One Can Use These Six Process To Complete Last Rites Of Dead Body

As the world is moving towards modernity, awareness about the environment has increased throughout the world. The method of funeral rites has also changed among the people. Now only burning and burial are not included in the last rites process. Apart from this, many other methods are now being tried. Now if someone wants to perform the last rites in some other way than these, then he can also do it. There are 6 more ways of cremation in the world Aquamation Instead of burning or burying a dead body,…

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Funeral Rites Customs The Family Members Make Soup Of The Ashes Of Dead Body And Drink It

Funeral Rites Customs The Family Members Make Soup Of The Ashes Of Dead Body And Drink It

Funeral Rites: People of every religion and society in the world have some customs. Generally, in most of the funeral rituals, there is a custom of burning the dead body, burying it or leaving it for the food of animals. But, today we will tell you about some such strange and poor customs of the funeral, knowing which you will be surprised. corpses are cut into pieces According to media reports, people of Buddhism in Tibet take the dead body to the crematorium built on the top of a mountain…

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