benefits of washing mouth with alum water in hindi fitkari ke fayde

benefits of washing mouth with alum water in hindi fitkari ke fayde

Alum Mouthwash Benefits : Do you know that alum is also used for health and beauty. The antibacterial properties present in it are very beneficial for skin and hair. Applying it on the skin daily increases the glow of the face. Along with this, facial wrinkles also disappear. Astringent and hemostatic properties in alum also help in healing wounds. In such a situation, let us know the benefits of washing mouth with alum water… Also read: How dangerous is a knife attack for the nerves in the neck, what could…

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Fungal infections are more common in places on your body that trap moisture

Fungal infections are more common in places on your body that trap moisture

Fungal infections are more common in parts of your body where there is moisture or where there is a lot of skin rubbing against each other. It is more common in people who have poor blood circulation or diabetes. All of this together weakens your immunity. This increases the risk of infection. In particular, it sometimes causes serious infections. Fungal infection also known as mycosis Fungal infection, also known as mycosis, can affect the skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes, lungs and other parts of the body. Symptoms can range from…

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Fungal infections can affect the skin hair nails mucous membranes or lungs Some common fungal infections include

Fungal infections can affect the skin hair nails mucous membranes or lungs Some common fungal infections include

Fungal Infection: We often ignore diseases caused by fungal infections, but they can take a serious form. The initial symptom of fungal infection is often itching. But ignoring it can take the form of fatal diseases. According to statistics, the number of deaths due to fungal infections is continuously increasing. According to the ‘Fungal Infection Group of the University of Manchester’, every year 38 lakh people suffer from this infection. This number increases by 6.8 percent of the total deaths. Nowadays people are still becoming cautious about fungal infections. In…

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Tips to ward off fungal infections during monsoon read full article in hindi

Tips to ward off fungal infections during monsoon read full article in hindi

Fungal infection, also known as mycosis. Fungal infections on the skin are a sign of many diseases. They can affect the skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes or lungs. Some common fungal infections include ringworm, nail infection. Fungal infections can range from mild to life-threatening. People with weak immunity can get fungal infection. People who are elderly or those who take steroids can often have problems with fungal infection. During rainy season, the risk of infection increases in those parts of the body. The place which is moist has friction. Diabetes…

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Fungal Infection: Are you also troubled by fungal infection? Then try these five home remedies and easy remedies

Fungal Infection: Are you also troubled by fungal infection? Then try these five home remedies and easy remedies

Nowadays skin related problems have become common. In such a situation, most people are troubled by it. Sometimes fungal infection increases so much that it starts occurring on the whole body of a person. This causes redness, itching and burning. People make many efforts to cure fungal infection, but still they do not get relief. If you are also troubled by skin related problems, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you some such home remedies, with the help of which you can get relief from fungal…

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Candida Auris Fungal Disease Symptoms and Treatment

Candida Auris Fungal Disease Symptoms and Treatment

A special type of disease, which is a fungal infection, is spreading rapidly in America. The name of this disease is Candida Auris Fungal Disease. This month, at least 4 people in Washington fell victim to this disease. This disease is considered very dangerous because it is a rare type of infection. According to doctors, its mortality rate is very high. At the same time, this is such a fungal infection on which the effect of medicines is very slow. This infection is spreading rapidly This infection is spreading rapidly…

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Health Tips Do Not Wear Shoes Without Socks Know Why

Health Tips Do Not Wear Shoes Without Socks Know Why

Shoes Without Socks: Nowadays most people wear shoes without socks. This habit is being seen more in the youth. Wearing shoes without socks not only causes the feet to smell bad but also harms the health. Because of this, the shoe also gets spoiled quickly. Let us know what are the disadvantages of wearing shoes without socks. Why is it forbidden to do so? blood circulation problem Wearing shoes without wearing socks not only puts your feet at risk of damage, but it can also affect the process of blood…

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