Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review ‘Keep Breathing’: Cast Away starring Tom Hanks has been ranked among the best survival drama movies in the world. Tom falls into the sea when a plane crashes and somehow reaches an island. Not a single human lives on the entire island. Tom lives alone on that island for four years and survives. The story of Cast Away is such a document of these 4 years in which loneliness, desolation, a person longing for conversation with someone who has to depend on that island for food and drink and…

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Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review ‘Keep Breathing’: Cast Away starring Tom Hanks has been ranked among the best survival drama movies in the world. Tom falls into the sea when a plane crashes and somehow reaches an island. Not a single human lives on the entire island. Tom lives alone on that island for four years and survives. The story of Cast Away is such a document of these 4 years in which loneliness, desolation, a person longing for conversation with someone who has to depend on that island for food and drink and…

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