Lover came to take exam, wrote ‘that’ in Physics paper, teacher couldn’t tolerate it, said – ‘You are free from today son’!

Lover came to take exam, wrote ‘that’ in Physics paper, teacher couldn’t tolerate it, said – ‘You are free from today son’!

Funny Answer Sheet: No matter the country, students are almost the same everywhere. There are some students who are passionate about their studies and become teachers’ favourites. Some are average students and some are such students who come into limelight even during the examination due to their antics (Student Wrote Love Song in Exam). You have seen the creativity of Indian students in the examination, but Pakistanis are also no less. Today, take a look at the crazy answer sheet of a hot-tempered Pakistani boy. The student has written such…

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When asked about the solution to avoid pollution, the boy gave this answer: The teacher has left everything and is eagerly searching for the student!

When asked about the solution to avoid pollution, the boy gave this answer: The teacher has left everything and is eagerly searching for the student!

Viral Answer Sheet: When we all study in schools and colleges, we get to see different types of students. There are some students who get interested in studies automatically while there are some who drag their feet to complete their studies. The heart and mind of such students are not engaged in studies in any way but at the time of examination their creativity is sky high. One such student’s test sheet (Test Sheet gone Viral) is currently going viral on the internet. If you have seen this viral answer…

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The student wrote the value of ‘X’ like this in the test, the teacher said – ‘call the mother’!

The student wrote the value of ‘X’ like this in the test, the teacher said – ‘call the mother’!

Funny Answer Sheet Went Viral: The subject which most of the children fear the most in childhood is Mathematics. The one who understands this subject, everything is easy for him, but the one who does not understand, he writes wrong answers. When such strange answer sheets go viral, people also enjoy these answers. We are showing you one such answer sheet today. The student has written such a brilliant answer to this basic maths question on the answer sheet that the teacher was stunned. In return, he has only said…

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