G20 Summit: Banaras lit up with Ornamental Towers, seeing these colorful pictures you will also say wow – G20 Summit Varanasi Lit Up With Ornamental Towers Seeing These Colorful Pictures

G20 Summit: Banaras lit up with Ornamental Towers, seeing these colorful pictures you will also say wow – G20 Summit Varanasi Lit Up With Ornamental Towers Seeing These Colorful Pictures

Before the meeting to be held under the G-20 conference, the picture of the ancient city of Banaras seems to have changed. Preparations are almost complete to welcome the guests coming from 20 leading countries of the world. Special arrangements are being made to welcome the guests. The streets and squares from Ganga Ghat to the city are decorated like a bride. The ornamental towers at various places give the feel of a foreign developed city. Special flowers have been made attractive through landscaping along with decorating the crossroads, the…

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