Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh Trailer Out Now: Whenever the veteran filmmakers of Hindi cinema are discussed, the name of Rajkumar Santoshi will also be included in it. After a long time, Rajkumar Santoshi is going to make a comeback on the big screen through the film ‘Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh’. The spectacular trailer of ‘Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh’ has been released on 11 January. In which a tough battle between the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Nathuram Godse has been shown. Trailer of ‘Gandhi Godse Ek Yuddh’ surfaced On January…
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Rajkumar Santoshi Will Return After 9 Years With Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh
Gandhi Godse One War: Renowned filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi will make his comeback in January 2023 with the feature film ‘Gandhi Godse – Ek Yudh’. Rajkumar Santoshi recently announced his film and has also announced its release date. However, the starcast of the film has not yet been unveiled. Will be released on Republic Day In ‘Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh’, the war between the two opposite ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi and Nathuram Godse has been shown. The makers recently released a video to announce the film. The film features Oscar and…
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