What Are Generic Medicines And Why Are They So Cheap Know How Effective They Are

What Are Generic Medicines And Why Are They So Cheap Know How Effective They Are

Generic Medicines: Illness takes a toll on your health as well as your pocket. Most of the people say that the doctors, in connivance with the companies, prescribe only branded medicines to the patients. In return, the doctors are given huge commission and other benefits. To get rid of patients from this, the government is emphasizing on the use of generic medicines. If someone in the family gets a serious illness, then the budget of the whole house gets spoiled and a major part of the earning is spent on…

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India Pharma Sector Indian Medicines Dominance In World Heal In India Boost Medical Tourism

India Pharma Sector Indian Medicines Dominance In World Heal In India Boost Medical Tourism

Indian Medicines: Indian medicines have dominance in all the countries around the world. Its scope is continuously increasing. Indian medicines reach almost every country in the world. The Government of India is also taking vigorous steps to promote research and innovation to take the pharma sector to new heights. This is the reason why the Indian pharmaceuticals industry holds a major share in the global pharmaceuticals industry. In terms of pharmaceutical production, it is at number three in the world in terms of volume and at number 14 in terms…

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