Geneva Is Using Lake Water To Cool Buildings And Replace Air Conditioning

Cooling With Lake Water: In the summer season, air conditioners are installed in the house, office etc. to keep the places cool. Of course, they cool inside the house, but they are very dangerous for the environment. It emits dangerous gases, which are responsible for global warming. Realizing the seriousness of this problem, a unique method is being adopted to cool the buildings in Geneva. Here water from the lake is being used instead of air conditioning to cool the buildings. Yes, and this is not only reducing the power…

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India Bright Spot, Giant Economic Power, World Economic Forum’s Statement Significance

Indian Economy: On the economic front, India has become a big power in the world and the way forward is even more bright. There is no such forum in the international community, which has not presented a golden picture regarding the future of the Indian economy. Taking this trend forward, the World Economic Forum ie World Economic Forum (WEF) has also said that India is a shining star in the world system. The growing economic status of India in the world is the real reason behind the statement made by…

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