These five healthy looking foods can spoil the condition of your heart, if eaten in excess, it can cause harm

Heart patients are advised to take a healthy diet, but there are some healthy things that can have a bad effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats, which if consumed regularly is beneficial for our health. But if we consume more ghee than required, then heart related problems can increase rapidly, because it contains both cholesterol and triglyceride, which can cause heart attack. Flax seeds or linseeds: Flax seeds…

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Can we apply ghee on hair? In olden times people used to plant it, but how right is it to do this now?

People make many efforts to make hair thick and strong. People take care of their hair by using new oils and home remedies. In olden times, people used to use a lot of ghee for their hair. Because it is considered beneficial for the health and thickness of hair. But many people have a question in their mind whether it is right to apply ghee on hair or not? In this report, we will tell you what happens by applying ghee on hair. Benefits of applying ghee on hair Ghee…

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Ghee vs Butter: What is the difference between Ghee and Butter? Which of the two is healthier?

People often ignore ghee while dieting. Because they think that eating ghee will make them fat.  But in the last few years, dieticians have presented a different perspective regarding ghee to today’s young generation. Because of which today’s youth also like ghee. But today through this article we will tell you which is healthier than ghee and butter? Does eating ghee really make bones stronger? Ghee has always been a part of Indian kitchen. Grandmothers and elders in the house always say that children must be fed ghee so that…

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Ghee Health Benefits And Risk Know Ghee Is Healthy Or Unhealthy

Ghee Is Healthy Or Unhealthy: Ghee, which is included in Indian cuisine, has always been a major ingredient. Its aroma and taste enhance the dignity of different dishes. Ghee is considered beneficial for health. However, some people stay away from it due to the fear of harm caused by its use. Some claim that ghee is rich in nutrients and adding it to your diet has many amazing benefits. While some argue that it contains unhealthy saturated fat, which everyone should try to avoid. Now the question arises that in…

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How To Take Care Of Frizzy Hair In Summer

Frizzy Hair Care Tips: With the changing season, there are many problems in the hair too. In the summer season, hair becomes frizzy due to sun and sweat. And in such a situation, the entanglement and breakage of hair also increases a lot, it looks very bad in appearance, in such a situation, we are telling you some home remedies, by adopting which you can get silky and soft hair. banana- You can also apply banana hair pack on frizzy hair. It helps in making the hair smooth and strong.…

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