Fell in love with a man of great grandfather’s age, gave such a dialogue in the video, people got dizzy on hearing it!

Is it right to stoop to any level to make a video viral? Can calling a man your great-grandfather’s age as your husband or a woman your grandmother’s age as your wife prove to be entertaining? Absolutely not. This can only be a vulgar and cruel joke. But people resort to such fake relationships to make themselves the star of Instagram reels. Many people do not even hesitate to share obscene videos with small children. What will they achieve by gaining such popularity? When people start making vulgar comments to…

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80 year old ‘grandfather’ brought a 23 year old bride! Family members shocked to hear the love story, even you won’t be able to tolerate the photos…

It is said that in love, a person does not see anything, neither caste-creed, neither wealth-poverty nor religion. Yes, now even age has no special restriction. Despite this, some such relationships come to the fore, after seeing which one does not understand whether to call it love or something else. One such story has come from the neighboring country China, hearing about which you will be stunned. A website named Oddity Central has reported about this very strange case. According to the website’s report, a girl working in an old…

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