Pornographic videos of 300 girls were made in a college washroom in Andhra Pradesh, know what is the punishment for doing this

Pornographic videos of 300 girls were made in a college washroom in Andhra Pradesh, know what is the punishment for doing this

A shocking incident has come to light in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. In which a college washroom 300 Pornographic videos were made of girls without their knowledge. This incident came to light when a student suspected it. As soon as he found the hidden camera he immediately informed the police. This incident shocked not only the college administration but everybody else.. So let’s know what is the punishment for this crime under Indian law. What is the provision of punishment in Indian law? For such a serious incident, there…

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A scandal broke out in the girls hostel at midnight, 4 girls and one more… created an uproar on social media

A scandal broke out in the girls hostel at midnight, 4 girls and one more… created an uproar on social media

Girls Hostel Viral Video: Everyone remembers the moments spent in the hostel for the whole life. It is said that there is no work in hostel life which is not possible to do. No matter how difficult the task may be. Here students come leaving their parents and their homes. And then create a new world with friends. Let us tell you that hostel life helps students to become self-reliant. Therefore, initially students have to face some difficulties. However, students shy away from making anything while staying in the hostel.…

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Kerala High Court On Girls Hostel Curfew Timing Says Men Create Problem Give Girl Freedom

Kerala High Court On Girls Hostel Curfew Timing Says Men Create Problem Give Girl Freedom

Kerala High Court On Hostel Curfew: The Kerala High Court on Wednesday (December 7) questioned why only girls and women are banned from going out at night. Also, asked the state government to ensure that they too should get the same freedom as boys and men. Justice Dewan Ramachandran said that there is no need to be afraid of the night and the government should ensure that it is safe for everyone to move out after dark. The court made this comment during the hearing on a petition by five…

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