‘Second world’ hidden under Egyptian pyramids, sensation caused by scientists’ claims!

‘Second world’ hidden under Egyptian pyramids, sensation caused by scientists’ claims!

Recently scientists have claimed to meet a huge underground city under the famous pyramids of Giza. He has gathered information about 2,100 feet deep structures under pyramids using radar technology. Scientists say about these discovery that they "Halls of amenti" A mysterious chamber named has been detected, which can be hidden under pyramids. This research was conducted under the leadership of Philipo Beyondi of the University of Stratchlide, Scotland and Coro Malanga of the University of Pisa in Italy. Scientists say that this research is an important step of satellite…

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How did people carry big stones to build the Egyptian pyramids, know what research says

How did people carry big stones to build the Egyptian pyramids, know what research says

You must have read about the pyramids, which are among the seven wonders of the world, in your childhood and even when you grew up. But do you know how pyramids were built from countless big stones in desert areas? Today we will tell you how pyramids were built in places like deserts. Pyramids The pyramids, which are among the seven wonders, were built in Giza several thousand years ago. Their huge structure and presence in Egypt is proof of the simplicity of an ancient civilization. But how these historical…

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