Why do we fill fuel in the wings of airplanes? Is it just to save space or is there some other real reason…

Why do we fill fuel in the wings of airplanes? Is it just to save space or is there some other real reason…

There was a time when people used to take several days to travel from one place to another. Now the circumstances have changed, science has invented such vehicles for travel that a person can cover long distances in just a few hours. However, there are many things about the aircraft that fly us in the air, which we do not know. Today we will tell you the answer to one such interesting question. There are some facts about which we do not think, but when they come to mind, we…

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14 is hidden in a crowd of 41, do you have eagle eyes? Prove it by finding it in 10 seconds!

14 is hidden in a crowd of 41, do you have eagle eyes? Prove it by finding it in 10 seconds!

Nowadays, many questions related to optical illusion quiz keep going viral on social media. In many, many numbers are hidden inside a picture and one has to find out one number from those numbers. Recently, one such photo has gone viral, in which number 14 is hidden in a crowd of 41. If you have eagle eyes, then prove this by finding 14 (Find 14 hidden in list of 41) within 10 seconds! A funny puzzle is going viral on social media. There are many numbers written in this picture.…

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Do women wear sarees in any country other than India? You will be surprised to know the answer

Do women wear sarees in any country other than India? You will be surprised to know the answer

Saree is considered to be the traditional dress of India. But nowadays it has become a part of fashion and is spreading all over the world. Many celebrities of the world are seen wearing saree on many occasions and this is no longer an occasional event. Saree has become a part of fashion shows long ago. But is saree a common dress in other countries apart from India? Yes, this is true. But very few people know which are the countries other than India where women wear saree. Saree is…

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This woman holds the record for longest nails, her length surprises everyone, there is a painful story behind it

This woman holds the record for longest nails, her length surprises everyone, there is a painful story behind it

Diana Armstrong of Minnesota, USA was awarded the Guinness World Record for the longest fingernails ever seen on a woman. If all her 10 toes were lined up in a row, their total length would have been measured at over 13 metres. This is the length when she was given this honour in 2022. Armstrong stopped cutting her nails in 1997. Her claws now easily reach the floor and she regularly paints them different colors. The official Instagram page of Guinness World Records shared Armstrong’s story, writing, “The total length…

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Planes do not land with full fuel, in such cases they even drain the fuel, do you know the reason? – planes do not land with a full tank of fuel dump fuel before landing do you know why

Planes do not land with full fuel, in such cases they even drain the fuel, do you know the reason?  – planes do not land with a full tank of fuel dump fuel before landing do you know why

Did you know that when airplanes land, their fuel tanks should not be completely full? And this thing is also taken special care of. Even if such a situation arises, sometimes planes have to dump a lot of fuel. Why is this so? Is it really that dangerous? Can there be any big problem if not doing this? Come, let us try to know the answers to all these questions. It is true that landing is not done with a full tank and this should be done as far as…

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Not foreign, this tribe of India is ‘the most dangerous in the world’, if outsiders see them, they kill!

Not foreign, this tribe of India is ‘the most dangerous in the world’, if outsiders see them, they kill!

Do you know which is the most dangerous tribe in the world? The people of this tribe are still cut off from the mainstream and if anyone reaches their area, they kill him. You will be surprised to know that this tribe is not found in the Amazon rainforest or Africa, rather people of this tribe live on an island in India. Even if someone goes here by mistake, it is difficult for him to escape. These people have been living isolated from the whole world for more than 30…

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religion quiz on Krishna ji Gita mahabharat krishna janmashtmi QnA

religion quiz on Krishna ji Gita mahabharat krishna janmashtmi QnA

Religion Quiz: Lord Shri Krishna is the God of Hindu religion. He is considered the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. He is also known by the names Kanhaiya, Madhav, Shyam, Gopal, Keshav, Dwarkesh or Dwarkadhish, Vasudev etc. 16 arts are found in Lord Krishna, hence he is called omniscient and knowledgeable of the universe. He was born from the womb of Mother Devaki to liberate the people from the atrocities of Kansa. Shri Krishna belonged to Chandravanshi Yadav clan. He was born in Mathura, but his childhood was spent in places…

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