Every 11th person in the world is a victim of hunger, the situation is most serious in this country

Every 11th person in the world is a victim of hunger, the situation is most serious in this country

Hunger is the biggest problem in the world. Do you know that every 11th person in the world is a victim of hunger? Yes, every 11th person is forced to sleep on an empty stomach at night. Today we will tell you how much the hunger figures have increased and how it is being seen at the global level. Hunger is a global problem Hunger is the biggest global problem in the world. With the increase in population, the hunger figures are also increasing all over the world. The data…

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On World Population Day, know at what speed the population is increasing

On World Population Day, know at what speed the population is increasing

World Population Day is celebrated all over the world today i.e. on 11th July. Increasing population is a global problem in the world including India and China. But do you know at what speed the population is increasing in countries around the world and where will the population reach by 2050. Today we will tell you at what speed the population of the world is increasing and what the data says. Population is a global problem Today population has become a global problem. Not only India, many countries around the…

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