World Rainforest Day: Why is World Rainforest Day celebrated, know how important these forests are for the earth

This year, most countries around the world are suffering from severe heat. Temperatures are rising even in countries and states that were considered cold places. The biggest reason for this is deforestation globally. Today, on 22 June, World Rainforest Day is celebrated. This day promotes awareness about the importance of rainforests around the world. If clean water, air and oxygen are reaching humans on earth today, it is possible only because of dense forests. But due to their continuous lack, the world is struggling with global warming today. According to…

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Why This May Was the Hottest Scientists Reveal | May was so hot that even scientists were surprised, they warned

In May 2024, India experienced a severe heat wave, with both maximum and minimum temperatures breaking records. Temperatures in many parts remained above 50 degrees Celsius. The temperature in Delhi reached 52 degrees Celsius, a new record. This severe heat affected people’s lives a lot and the situation worsened in many places. In May 2024, India experienced extreme heat, breaking all previous records. This heat wave was about 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than before. This information has been obtained from a recent study by scientists of an organization named ClimaMeter.…

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Formula to reduce global warming, now carbon dioxide will be reduced from the atmosphere in this way

The weather, time and temperature are changing all over the world. It’s hot during the rainy season, it’s raining during the cold season. Those cities whose temperature did not go above 30 degrees, are today heating up to 45 and 48 degrees. Experts are citing global warming as the reason behind this. However, some companies are developing technology to reduce global warming. One such technology is carbon capture plant. Know how this plant will reduce the carbon dioxide responsible for global warming from the air.  Carbon Capture Plant Let us…

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there will be no flood nor drought in the Indonesia new capital know which technology is being used

Nusantara: Global warming is a very serious topic. Many countries of the world are engaged in different types of plans to deal with this. Different types of arrangements are being made. There are some countries which are being greatly affected by global warming. One of those countries is Indonesia. Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of population. The total population of Indonesia is more than 40 crores. Global warming has a great impact on Indonesia. The country’s capital Jakarta is the fastest sinking city in…

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Why the size of fish is decreasing in the ocean, scientists revealed

The size of fish is decreasing rapidly all over the world. Actually, due to global warming, the ocean is getting warmer, along with this the size of fish is also decreasing all over the world. Today we will tell what scientists have revealed about fishes.   The size of fishes is getting smaller  Scientists Told that due to smaller size of fishes, gills i.e. respiratory glands are getting smaller. Because of this the fishes are not able to take much oxygen. This theory is called Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory. According to this,…

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Many cities will become deserted by the end of the century, not a single straw will be visible, you will be surprised to know the reason

Thousands of cities in America are going to be deserted after 75 years. Which will look like a ghost town. This has been revealed in a recent study. According to the study, this will happen due to continuous climate change and decreasing population. If anything will be visible in these cities in the coming century, only roads, pillars and buildings will be visible. Here humans will not be seen far and wide. Where will humans go?A recent study has revealed that by the end of this century, almost half of…

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Aviation Sector Contribution In Global Green House Effect Air Pollution Caused By Aircrafts

Airplane And Pollution: If we talk about air pollution, then some will blame the smoke coming out of vehicles and other things, some for the gases coming out of AC and fridge and some for the cutting of trees. However, all these reasons are also correct. Along with land transport, air traffic is also responsible for increasing air pollution. Hardly would you have ever thought that even airplanes cause pollution. But, it happens. Plane contours form a layer During the flight, the contrails formed when the fuel of the plane…

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Climate Clock Had Been Launched In India Know About It Climate Change Is Danger For Future

Climate Clock: Climate change is a big challenge for the world. Because of this, people all over the world are facing erratic weather patterns and other climate related disasters. Time is running out to control global warming. In such a situation, its terrible consequences will be seen over time. Although we use a clock to see the time, but there is such a clock which gives information about the great destruction. The name of this clock is Climate Clock. Launched on the occasion of Earth Day On the occasion of…

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HeatWave In India: What You Can Do To Save Life In Heatwave?

Due to climate change, heatwaves in India have increased more than before in recent years. A heatwave is a prolonged period of abnormally high temperatures, often exceeding 40 °C (104 °F), in various parts of India, especially in the summer months of April to June. Let’s go through a heatwave of sorts. Due to which there are serious effects on the health of the people of India. Due to rise in temperature in summer, most of the people have to face some such problems like- excessive heat, sweating, exhaustion, heatstroke,…

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Climate Change Will Cause Of Drought Due To Rising Heat How Much Is The Danger In India Know What The Report Says

Draft in India: The increasing heat is going to create problems for the whole world. This change is going to directly affect the environment, agriculture, our lives and even the whole earth. This change will be very dangerous, because in a recent study it has been told that the problem of drought is becoming serious due to the warming of the world. Many countries are also facing the brunt of drought, while in some countries such situations are going to happen. In such a situation, let us know what is…

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