Human Level Ai System will be here in five to ten years say Google Deepmind Ceo Demis Hassabis

Human Level Ai System will be here in five to ten years say Google Deepmind Ceo Demis Hassabis

These days, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is dominated in every field. Due to this, many tasks are becoming easier and things are changing rapidly. Experts say that this is just a beginning and in the coming years, many amazing can be seen in it. Recently, the CEO of Google Deepmind has said that in the next 5-10 years, smart AI will be equal to humans or from humans in front of the world and it will start doing every task like humans. Artificial General Intelligence will increase the world- Hasabis According…

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Google Robot defeated many players in table tennis video goes viral watch

Google Robot defeated many players in table tennis video goes viral watch

Google Robot Play Table Tennis: Technology in the world is constantly advancing with time. Work is also going on continuously in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). In this episode, researchers of Google DeepMind have done a great feat. Actually, the researchers have created a robot that can play table tennis very well. This robot has a 6 DoF ABB 1100 arm. This robot has defeated many players in table tennis. According to the information, in the test conducted with 29 people, it has defeated the beginner players…

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