Google Listening your private conversations how to stop it Know step by step here

Google Listening your private conversations how to stop it Know step by step here

Google Listening Your Personal Conversations: Often we hear that our phone is listening to our conversations. This type of problem occurs more often in the phones of most Android users. In such a situation, there are many things which we say knowingly or unknowingly and we are not even aware of it. In such a situation, it is important for you to know one thing that all the Android phones which are working on Google account are connected to Google in some way or the other. When you create an…

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Google also knows where you went on a date or lunch, stop this setting immediately, otherwise Google will keep an eye on everything

Google also knows where you went on a date or lunch, stop this setting immediately, otherwise Google will keep an eye on everything

Today technology has become so advanced that even Google is aware of what we are doing. If we are going somewhere, then Google knows this also, if we have bought something from somewhere and paid, then Google also knows this. Overall, Google knows everything about us. Privacy has reduced in a way in the world of internet. The reason behind this is a setting made by us in the mobile. Actually, when we buy a new smartphone and set it up, many types of permissions are asked from us during…

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