In this country, children below 16 years of age cannot be slapped, if they do so, they are punished

In our country, many parents beat their children for their mistakes to guide them on the right path, although many people vent their anger of some other place on the children. At the same time, many times it also happens that when the child is not sleeping, he is made to sleep by slapping him a few times. This is a common thing in India, but it is not commonly done in every country. Actually, in some countries, beating children like this proves very costly for the parents, while there…

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Dark Web Know Everything Related To Dark Web And How Hackers Are Stealing People Data Through Internet

Dark Web: Internet has made people’s life easier than before. Today the whole world is limited to smartphones. Internet has played a major role in boosting the economy of the state, country and even the world. With the advent of internet, the way of working changed and many new startups also came in the market. On one hand, where things became easier and better for the people with the advent of internet, on the other hand, many difficulties have also increased. Due to the internet, the cases of fraud have…

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