Why are NASA scientists saying that ice age can come due to volcanic eruption?

Why are NASA scientists saying that ice age can come due to volcanic eruption?

Till now we understood that heat increases in the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions. But according to new research by NASA, such an explosion increases the risk of an ice age. Let us tell you in today’s article why scientists around the world, including NASA, are saying that the risk of ice age will increase on Earth due to large volcanic eruptions in the future. Greenhouse Causes of gas If a volcano explodes, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide come out from inside it. These gases are known to increase the…

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Aviation Sector Contribution In Global Green House Effect Air Pollution Caused By Aircrafts

Aviation Sector Contribution In Global Green House Effect Air Pollution Caused By Aircrafts

Airplane And Pollution: If we talk about air pollution, then some will blame the smoke coming out of vehicles and other things, some for the gases coming out of AC and fridge and some for the cutting of trees. However, all these reasons are also correct. Along with land transport, air traffic is also responsible for increasing air pollution. Hardly would you have ever thought that even airplanes cause pollution. But, it happens. Plane contours form a layer During the flight, the contrails formed when the fuel of the plane…

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