Japanese Red Diamond Guava Production Farmers Can Earn Profit Of Lakhs Of Rupees

Japanese Red Diamond Guava Production Farmers Can Earn Profit Of Lakhs Of Rupees

Japanese Red Diamond Guava: Traditional farming like paddy, wheat, maize has been practiced in India. Farmers also earn profit of lakhs of rupees by doing farming. Experts say that crops like wheat, sugarcane, maize are a good source of income for the farmer. But farmers can earn even better by working out of the box. Today we will give information about such farming, by sowing which farmers can get bumper yield. Japanese red diamond guava is profitable cultivationThe cultivation of Japanese red diamond guava has increased in the country. Experts…

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Guava Production Worth Lakhs Of Rupees Has Been Ruined Due To Winter In Maharashtra

Guava Production Worth Lakhs Of Rupees Has Been Ruined Due To Winter In Maharashtra

Guava Production In Maharashtra: This year has not been good for the farmers in terms of earning. Floods and rains had already ruined the crops of the farmers. Crops worth lakhs of rupees were destroyed. Papaya crop in Maharashtra was ruined due to fungal viral. The farmers then started turning away from that crop. A few days back, an attack of insects was observed on chillies. The situation is that due to cheap selling, farmers are not reaching the market with chillies at all. The arrival of chilli has stopped…

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