Age 571 years, these are the world’s oldest sisters, survived from World War to Covid! Made a record

Every person wants that he or his relatives live a long life, stay healthy and stay together. But not everyone’s wish gets fulfilled! However, this wish of 6 sisters living in America has been fulfilled. These 6 sisters are the oldest siblings in the world and if the age of all of them is added together, it becomes more than 5 centuries. They have seen and faced many big events in life, including the Second World War and the Covid pandemic. These sisters also had a brother, who was older…

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World smallest playing cards made in London name is also recorded in Guinness Book

Many types of games are played all over the world. One of these games is playing cards. There are many people who are fond of playing cards in many countries including India. After the advent of the internet, people play this game online as well. Playing cards have a size. But today we will tell you about the smallest playing cards in the world. card game The game of playing cards is played in most places. However, players play different games using these cards everywhere. You must have noticed that…

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Your heart will tremble, you will shiver, this is what the narrowest city looks like, such buildings are built on the river bank!

If you are asked whether you know about any city which is considered the narrowest in the world? Surely, most people will not know about it. But today we are going to tell you about one such city, where the heart of those who go there will tremble. There will be shivers every moment. This is because this city is situated on both sides of a river flowing between the mountains. Because of this, it has also got the status of the narrowest city. But this city is also not…

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world’s most expensive This hamburger is worth lakhs registered in Guinness World Records

There are many people around the world who are fond of fast food. But have you ever eaten a hamburger? Usually you will find a hamburger in any street or restaurant for Rs 250 to a maximum of Rs 800. Hamburger is a non-vegetarian dish, so its price can be a little higher or lower. But today we are going to tell you about a hamburger whose price is not 1,2 thousand but lakhs of rupees. Now you must be wondering how a hamburger can be so expensive. Today we…

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This woman burps the loudest…it feels like clouds are thundering

Burping is a natural process. Often, when the gas accumulated in the stomach comes out through the mouth, a burping sound is made. However, the sound of burping is not so loud that it can be heard by a person standing far away. But this woman proved that by burping the world’s loudest, someone can be made deaf. Who is this woman? < p>The woman we are talking about is a resident of Maryland, America. Her name is Kimberly Kimicola Winter. According to Guinness World Records, Kimberly Kimicola Winter’s burp…

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Sky touching height, long legs like palm trees, if you look at this girl your neck will hurt!

Many people in the world are tall. According to Guinness World Records, the tallest living man is Sultan Kosen of Turkey, whose height is a little more than 8 feet. The tallest living woman is Rumesa Gelgi of Türkiye, whose height is 7 feet. These people are quite famous. But today we are going to tell you about a girl from America, who is not the tallest girl in the world, but her height touches the sky, however, she is in the news because of her legs, because her legs…

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Janusz switaj World record How many years can a patient live through a ventilator

Ventilator is used for a patient when his chances of survival are very less. That is why it is used with patients with extremely critical conditions. But now the question arises that for how long can a person survive with the help of a ventilator. Let us give you a news related to this today, in which a person remained alive for thirty years with the help of a ventilator. who is this person The name of the person we are talking about is Janusz Switaj. It is said about…

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75 chefs together made the world’s largest dosa, failed 110 times, but then…

Dosa may be a South Indian dish, but it is eaten with great enthusiasm in North India also. You will also find such people in UP-Bihar who will be seen making dosa in their homes on Sunday morning. Since it is such a popular dish, it would not be surprising if a record is made related to it. Recently some chefs did the same. Together they made the world’s largest dosa. But while making it, he failed 110 times, but then he got his name registered in the Guinness World…

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guinness world records 2024 teeth beard and neck this man made a world record with these three

Guinness World Records 2024: You must have seen many powerful people in the world. But do you know of any person who has made a world record with the help of his beard, neck and teeth? Let us tell you today about one such person who made a world record with his teeth, beard and neck. who is this person The name of the person we are talking about is Dmytro Hrunsky. Dmytro Hrunsky is a resident of Ukraine. He made three new world records in a single day using…

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Unique feat of an Indian youth, he made the world’s smallest washing machine, pieces of clothes get washed!

We do not need to tell you about how clever and clever the people of India are. Here you will find many people who find something unique even in the most trivial things. Now take the washing machine itself. There are many brands of washing machines in the world, but how many people would have thought of making the world’s smallest washing machine. But an Indian thought of this and did it. Because of this, the name of this person has also been registered in the Guinness World Records. Guinness…

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