world’s most expensive This hamburger is worth lakhs registered in Guinness World Records

There are many people around the world who are fond of fast food. But have you ever eaten a hamburger? Usually you will find a hamburger in any street or restaurant for Rs 250 to a maximum of Rs 800. Hamburger is a non-vegetarian dish, so its price can be a little higher or lower. But today we are going to tell you about a hamburger whose price is not 1,2 thousand but lakhs of rupees. Now you must be wondering how a hamburger can be so expensive. Today we…

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International Yoga Day which records and Guinness World Records were made on Yoga Day from 2015 till now

International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June all over the world. The credit for teaching yoga to the whole world goes to India. Even today, people from many countries of the world come to India to learn yoga. India is called the world guru for yoga. But do you know how many records have been made so far on International Yoga Day? Today we will tell you what are the records related to yoga. Guinness Book of World Records Let us tell you that there are four Guinness Book…

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This woman burps the loudest…it feels like clouds are thundering

Burping is a natural process. Often, when the gas accumulated in the stomach comes out through the mouth, a burping sound is made. However, the sound of burping is not so loud that it can be heard by a person standing far away. But this woman proved that by burping the world’s loudest, someone can be made deaf. Who is this woman? < p>The woman we are talking about is a resident of Maryland, America. Her name is Kimberly Kimicola Winter. According to Guinness World Records, Kimberly Kimicola Winter’s burp…

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P Jairaj done 300 movies made longest Bollywood career registered his name Guinness World Records

Longest Bollywood Career: There are many actors in Hindi cinema who have been working for 40 to 50 years but till now no one has been able to break this record. There was an actor who worked till the end and his name got registered in the Guinness Book of World Records. No one has been able to break this record till date and it still stands today even though it has been many years since the death of that actor. We are talking about Hindi cinema’s incomparable actor P…

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Now this man has become the oldest man in the world his name registered in Guinness World Records

Do you know who is the oldest person in the world? Today we will tell you who is the oldest person in the world now? Let us tell you that recently John Tinniswood has become the oldest man in the world. His age is currently 111 years. Who was the oldest person before this? Let us tell you that this week 114 year old John Vicente Perez of Venezuela died. After this, Britain’s Tinniswood has now become the oldest man in the world. He has given credit for his long…

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Janusz switaj World record How many years can a patient live through a ventilator

Ventilator is used for a patient when his chances of survival are very less. That is why it is used with patients with extremely critical conditions. But now the question arises that for how long can a person survive with the help of a ventilator. Let us give you a news related to this today, in which a person remained alive for thirty years with the help of a ventilator. who is this person The name of the person we are talking about is Janusz Switaj. It is said about…

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guinness world records 2024 teeth beard and neck this man made a world record with these three

Guinness World Records 2024: You must have seen many powerful people in the world. But do you know of any person who has made a world record with the help of his beard, neck and teeth? Let us tell you today about one such person who made a world record with his teeth, beard and neck. who is this person The name of the person we are talking about is Dmytro Hrunsky. Dmytro Hrunsky is a resident of Ukraine. He made three new world records in a single day using…

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Bobby is no longer the oldest dog, lost the title after his death, Guinness Book took the decision for this reason

The average age of dogs is considered to be 10 to 13 years, but Bobi of Portugal was something different. He lived for 31 years and 165 days. For this reason he was also called the oldest dog in the world. The Guinness Book awarded him the title of the oldest dog. But now this title has been taken away from him. Guinness World Records said it had no evidence that an elderly dog ​​that died last year was as old as claimed. Questions were being raised for years about…

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Andrea Lanfri has no legs yet he climbed Everest this person is amazing Guinness World Record

Climbing Everest, one of the highest peaks in the world, is not within the reach of adults. Many times people lose their lives while climbing it. To climb it, first you have to take training for months, then after going somewhere you get permission for it. However, today we are not going to tell you the process of climbing Everest. Rather, today we are going to tell you the story of a person who does not have both legs and seven fingers in his hands. Even after this, this person…

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Unique record in the name of Indian daughter, song sung in 140 languages, name registered in Guinness Book

Daughters are no less than anyone, this has been proved once again by India’s daughter Sucheta Satish. You will be surprised to know that Sucheta has made a unique record in her name by singing songs in not just one or two but 140 languages. No one in the world has been able to accomplish this feat till date. For this reason, Sucheta’s name has also been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Videos of Sucheta’s performance are going viral on social media. Sucheta, a resident of Kerala,…

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