Utis could be linked to your gut health affecting millions of people

Utis could be linked to your gut health affecting millions of people

In the way of urination, infection (UTI) is a common disease that affects millions of people, especially women worldwide. Whereas the occasional UTI can be easily treated at home. Repeated or chronic UTI may take from six months to one year to recover. This is such a dangerous disease that it can have a serious impact on your everyday life. Recent research has found that chronic UTIs are not only due to infection in the way of urination. Rather it also affects the intestine. Why do women do more?UTI (urinary…

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Is a child born through cesarean delivery weak? Know what is the truth

Is a child born through cesarean delivery weak? Know what is the truth

Is the immunity of some children weaker than that of others? To know this, a study has said that the gut bacteria of children who are born through C-section is weaker than other children. The bacteria present in the intestine are different in many ways from those of babies born through normal delivery. According to research, children who are born through normal delivery through vagina. They receive their initial dose of bacteria i.e. microbiome from their mother through C-section. This is the largest research done so far on neonatal bacteria.…

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Gut bacteria reduces the risk of heart attack! Scientist told the connection between the two

Gut bacteria reduces the risk of heart attack!  Scientist told the connection between the two

To keep your heart healthy and stay away from heart attack or heart related diseases, it is most important that your cholesterol remains under control. Scientists have made a tremendous discovery in this direction. On the basis of his many researches, he has said that some bacteria found in the intestines keep cholesterol under control and also reduce the risk of heart related diseases.  Researchers have revealed in a study published in a journal that there are many species of bacteria found in the intestines. This bacteria is both good…

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