Hackers Hacking 4 Major Reason What Is The Punishment For Hacking In India

Hacking: Hackers are those people who use their technical skills and knowledge to gain illegal access to computer systems, networks and websites. Hackers are generally associated with cybercrime, but the reason for hacking of different hackers may be different. Some hackers see it as a challenge and a means to hone their skills, while others hack for personal profit, political or social causes, or for revenge. Let us know why hackers do hacking and what is the punishment for hacking in Indian law? Some reasons for hackers hacking to…

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Dark Web Know Everything Related To Dark Web And How Hackers Are Stealing People Data Through Internet

Dark Web: Internet has made people’s life easier than before. Today the whole world is limited to smartphones. Internet has played a major role in boosting the economy of the state, country and even the world. With the advent of internet, the way of working changed and many new startups also came in the market. On one hand, where things became easier and better for the people with the advent of internet, on the other hand, many difficulties have also increased. Due to the internet, the cases of fraud have…

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Whatsapp Hackers Are Now Hacking People Devices With GIF Know About GIF Hacking Change Whatsapp Setting Of Auto Download

Even if a person does not have money to eat today, he definitely has a smartphone. Smartphone has become the need of all of us today. Everyone’s smartphone definitely has internet and some instant messaging apps. Instant messaging app WhatsApp is widely used all over the world. If you also use WhatsApp a lot, then now you need to be careful. Actually, hackers are now clearing people’s money through WhatsApp and people are not aware of it. All of you must have heard or read till now that hackers send…

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Cyber ​​Attack On Delhi Aiims Server Hacked Know About The Biggest Hacking In The Nation

Cyber ​​Attack On Delhi AIIMS: Six days after hacking the server of Delhi’s All India Medical Institute (Delhi AIIMS), hackers have demanded Rs 200 crore as ransom for releasing the server. Hackers want to take this money in virtual cryptocurrency, so that they cannot be traced. However, Delhi Police, CERT-IN and Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operation (IFSO) are all trying to deal with it together. After demanding such a huge amount in ransom, the Delhi AIIMS hacking case has now become one of the biggest hacking cases in the country.…

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