what compensation is given in case of death during Haj pilgrimage saudi arab

Death of Haj Pilgrimage: The death toll during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia is constantly increasing, Due to the intense heat at the moment 1301 Information about the deaths of thousands of pilgrims is emerging, Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdulrahman Al,Jalajel said Giving information on Sunday, he said that among those who died 83 Percentage of Haj Pilgrims were unauthorized, who had come from a long distance to the holy city of Mecca in the scorching heat to perform the rituals of Hajj, Every year hundreds of Haj pilgrims…

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Why are most of the Hajj pilgrims from Egypt dying in Mecca? Understand the reason behind this

This year, there is severe heat all over the world including India. At the same time, the number of people dying during Haj pilgrimage in Mecca is continuously increasing. According to the information, the number of people dying during Haj in Mecca has now crossed 900. Most of the people who died are from Egypt. Today we will tell you why more deaths have occurred among Egyptians. Death of Haj Pilgrims According to the information, Haj Pilgrims are dying in Saudi Arabia due to extreme heat and lack of good…

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hajj 2024 death more than 1000 people died during in mecca 58 Pakistani hajj pilgrims also died by extreme heat

Hajj 2024 Death: The number of people dying during Haj pilgrimage is increasing continuously. The number of people dying during Haj in Mecca has now crossed 1000. More than half of them were non-registered pilgrims who performed the pilgrimage in the extreme heat of Saudi Arabia. Haj pilgrims are dying due to extreme heat and lack of proper arrangements in Saudi Arabia. In such a situation, questions are being raised on the entire Saudi government. According to the report of news agency AFP, as per the count of Thursday, June…

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Mecca Pilgrims death Where are the last rites of dead pilgrims held

Mecca Pilgrims Death: Number of Hajj pilgrims killed in Mecca 600 has crossed over, Among these 90 Haj pilgrims from India are also included, However, most deaths have occurred among pilgrims from Egypt., In Mecca 300 Egypt and Jordan have more 60 Hajj pilgrims have been killed, Heat is being blamed for these gruesome deaths, These pilgrims who went for Hajj are from there 52 could not bear the temperature of °C, However, the arrival of so many Haj pilgrims without registration is also being cited as one of the…

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Hajj 2024 Saudi Diplomat says 68 Indians Among 645 Pilgrims who died in Mecca

Hajj Pilgrims Death In Mecca: 645 pilgrims who went to perform Hajj in Mecca, one of the holiest places for Muslims, died in the scorching heat. 68 of them are Indians. This information was given by a Saudi Arabian diplomat on Wednesday (19 June). He said that 68 Indian citizens died during the Hajj pilgrimage this year, taking the total death toll to more than 600. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the diplomat told news agency AFP, “We have confirmed the death of about 68 people. Some have died due…

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saudi arabia 14 jordanians 5 iranians dead 17 missing hajj pilgrimage in mecca medina bakrid 2024

Hajj Pilgrimage Death in Saudi Arabia: A large number of Haj pilgrims have arrived from Saudi Arabia during the festival of Eid-ul-Azha or Bakrid. Meanwhile, due to the severe heat in Saudi, especially the elderly are facing a lot of problems. 19 Haj pilgrims, who belonged to Jordan and Iran, died in Mecca due to heat. Officials of both the countries confirmed these deaths and said that these people died due to rising temperatures. 19 people from Jordan and Iran died Jordan’s foreign ministry said in a statement: “14 Jordanian…

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Hajj 2024 Fatwa Robot Giving Answers Related To Islam In Grand Mosque Mecca

Fatwa Robot: In the last few years, it has been quite common to answer religious questions at the two holiest places of Islam, Mecca and Medina. Traditionally, the clerics sitting at these places used to issue fatwa or any other religious orders directly to their followers. After this, this service was made online and was made available to people through phone. Now a Fatwa robot has been placed in the Grand Mosque of Mecca, the holiest pilgrimage site of Islam. Worshipers and pilgrims can use a smart robot for instant…

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Hajj 2024: Temperature will cross 50 degrees in Mecca! Hajj pilgrimage will begin amidst intense heat

This time the Hajj pilgrimage is being organized in the hottest month of Mecca and in such a situation, lakhs of Hajj pilgrims are at risk of heat stroke. The elderly pilgrims and those suffering from chronic diseases are at the greatest risk. Millions of Muslims are going to perform Hajj this month, but the scorching heat in Mecca has increased the risk of heat-related diseases among pilgrims. More than 20 lakh Muslims from all over the world come here for Hajj. This year the annual Hajj pilgrimage is expected…

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