Do you sit for more than 6 hours in the office? Just this one ‘cup’ can save your life, this new research will surprise you

Do you sit for more than 6 hours in the office? Just this one ‘cup’ can save your life, this new research will surprise you

New Delhi. Is coffee beneficial for health or not? The answer to this question is different for many people. But according to a new research, a cup of coffee can add many years to your life. If you work for hours sitting in front of a laptop, then a cup of coffee can prove to be nectar for you. This is the claim of a recent research. People who do not consume coffee and sit for six hours or more a day have a 60 percent higher risk of death…

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If you sit for a long time after drinking coffee, you will not die prematurely: Study

If you sit for a long time after drinking coffee, you will not die prematurely: Study

According to a research, drinking coffee reduces health related problems. Researchers involved in the Science Alert research have found that people who drink coffee and work for hours sitting have a lower risk of disease. Coffee drinkers are less likely to die prematurely than those who do not drink coffee. 10 thousand people participated in this research More than 10 thousand people were involved in this research, these people used to work for hours after drinking coffee. According to health data, drinking coffee keeps them much more active. It also…

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