The death of 12 candidates who appeared in the physical examination for ‘Jharkhand Excise Constable’ recruitment has created a ruckus. According to doctors, the candidates were facing a lot of problems during practice. Doctors claim that the cause is an energy drink or medicine. On-duty doctor SK Vinayak of the recruitment site said that running suddenly puts a lot of pressure on the human body. Due to pressure, there is a lack of oxygen in the body. Also, steroids or energy drinks can be harmful for the body. A special…
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Health tips side effects of drinking energy drinks may cause serious diseases
Side Effects Of Energy Drinks: Nowadays many people consume energy drinks to get instant energy. These are called energy drinks but if you are drinking them thinking that they are healthy then know that you are not making any mistake. Actually, a high amount of caffeine is found in these energy drinks which gives instant energy to our body, but also slowly harms our body. Experts have already warned that energy drinks are nothing less than a slow poison and they are just a solution of sugar. Not only this,…
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