Overeating, over working out and these habits can harm your health

Healthy Habits Become Harmful: There are some daily habits about which we hear from childhood that these are good habits, these are healthy habits. Some people start following those habits from an early age. Well, these are such habits whose goodness is beyond doubt. But it is also said that excess of everything is bad. Be it good or bad. We will tell you which habits, despite being good, can prove to be bad if they are done in excess. brush with force From children to adults, everyone is taught…

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Complaints of constipation increase in winter due to these bad habits, know the expert’s opinion

The main causes of constipation are lack of fiber and water. If a person is not exercising for a long time or is holding back from going to the bathroom even after going to the bathroom, then he may suffer from constipation. Some people also suffer from constipation due to their bad habits. Constipation is a common digestive problem that can be caused by various factors including bad lifestyle habits. While occasional lethargy is normal, chronic constipation may be a sign of underlying problems and deserves attention. Recognizing and addressing…

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